Saturday, July 11, 2020

Types of Aircraft Fuselage Structure

Types of Aircraft Fuselage

            The basics of the Aircraft Fuselage was explained in the before posts (, Fuselage types would clearly explain in the present post.

Aircraft Fuselage


    In general, fuselage is classified into three major types base on the method by which stress are transmitted to the structure.

There are three most common types of fuselage are:

Truss or Frame Type Fuselage

A truss is a light gauge steel tube assemblage of members forming a frame triangular shape which giver geometric structure to the fuselage. The Primary members of Truss are the four logerons, the longerons are longitudinal member of the fuselage. Lateral bracing are placed at intervals between the longerons. The lateral surface are called as Bulkheads, Space between two bulkheads are called as bays. Lateral and Longitudinal member are made strong stell wires which are design to withstand compression during load applied.

Truss Fuselage are sub-branched into

  • Pratt Truss
  • Warren Truss

Monocoqne Structure

The word Monocoqne is French word which means “single shell”. In this type the fuselage skin carries all structural stress. The design involves constructing a tube or core which involves no internal structural members which looks like a empty Shell. These types of fuselage are formed by riveting preformed two half together. This Structure carry load effective when the diameter is small. Increasing of the structure diameter depends on the internal cavity.

Semi Monocoqne Structure

It is combination of Truss and Monocoqne type structure together. In Present days Aircraft become large Monocoqne structure not to strong enough. Weight to strength ration is ineffective. Longerons are run length across the monocoqne structure jointing the frame together. Now the Longerons and frame is attached the thin alloy skin shell by rivets and abrasive bonding.

Semi Monocoqne Structure type of fuselage is commonly used both military and commercial aircraft in Modern Days.

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