Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Computational Fluid Dynamics


Computational Fluid Dynamics

                The art of replacing the partial differential equations of fluid flow with number, this number is spaced and time to obtain a final numerical description of the complete flow field of interest.

The fluid flow is governed by Three Fundamental Principle:

  • Mass is conserved
  • F = ma (Newton’s 2 law)
  • Energy is conserved

Equation most general form is in PDF

Role of CFD

  • Round off errors are compromises to get the accuracy in CFD RESULT.
  • To carry out numerical experiments help study the fundamental characteristics of the flow. These numerical are directly analogous to actual laboratory experiments.

Types of fields handled by CFD

  • Flow field over the space shuttle
  • Flow over wing body
  • Unsteady, Oscillating flow through supersonic engine inlets
  • Flow field over an automobile
  • Flow through supersonic combustion ramjet engine

Flow fields cannot be computed by CFD

  • Turbulence model
  • Chemically reacting flow


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